A-Z Database
Meaning two brains working on the same problem is better than one is a very old proverb that appears in John Heywood Proverbs (1546).
This expression illustrates the ancient and traditional prejudice to all things left. Logically, two right feet would be just as awkward as two left f...
Means closely similar, almost exactly alike, and dates from the 16th century, from the fact that two peas from the same pod are virtually indistinguis...
Often shortened to ‘two shakes’, as in “I’ll be with you in two shakes”, means “I’ll be with you in a very short while.” The earliest citation appears...
Mentally deficient, dates from the late 20th/early 21st century, Australian origin and refers to a six-pack of beer. See also Not the full shilling.
Means that two things that appear to be different are in fact closely related. For example, poor health and low income are different issues but often...
Simply means there are often two different versions of ostensibly the same event. The expression dates in this format from the mid-18th century but th...
see Another string to one’s bow
"I'll be with you in two ticks" means that I will be with you very shortly. 'Two ticks' refers to two clicks of a clock i.e. two seconds. Tick, as in...
It takes two to tango is a metaphor that is widely used in business, political and social contexts to mean that two parties have to co-operate and som...
An informal proverb used to discourage retaliation or reciprocation, in that a wrongful action is not a practical or morally appropriate way to correc...
When used as an adjective, as in 'a two-bit actor', it is a derogatory idiom that means something of very little worth or value. This usage dates from...
see Double-edged sword
Deceitful, insincere, dishonest i.e. having two faces, one for the truth the other for deceit, dates from the early 1600s.
To two-time is a verb that means to cheat, to betray, or to deceive, sometimes in a romantic or sexual context. It is of American origin and is freque...