A-Z Database
see Not give a rat’s arse/ass
Originally, a nautical term for ample sea room or anchorage away from other ships dates from the 1600s. Its modern figurative usage extended into non-...
A cry of encouragement meaning to go for it, with no holding back. The verbal and written expression is American from about the 1970s and is sometimes...
To give one’s eye-teeth for something or other means that one would go to extreme lengths, even to the extent of giving up one’s eye-teeth, in order t...
Vulgar, men only, and deliberately perverse version of ‘give one’s right arm for something’ where ‘ball’ is preferred in Britain and elsewhere, while...
To give one’s right arm for something or other means that one would go to extreme lengths, even to the extent of giving up one’s right arm, in order t...
Originally, help in mounting a horse dates from the early 19th century.
Give someone a keen, close contest or give someone good value for money, according to the OED it derives from horseracing during the mid-19th century,...
see Thick ear
see Black look/looks
see Both barrels
Is to jeer, boo or express disapproval and derives from the world of the theatre where the custom used to be to hiss like a goose to express disapprov...
An alternative way of sacking or firing someone dates from the early 20th century. See also fire someone and get the sack.
To fire or dismiss from employment, from the allusion of elbowing someone away, is British informal and dates from the 1970s, according to Eric Partri...
see Needle someone