A-Z Database
The OED defines rhyming slang as follows: “a variety of (orig. Cockney) slang in which a word is replaced by a phrase which rhymes with it.” The phras...
When the word rich is used metaphorically, as in the statement, ‘that’s a bit rich’ it is expressing amusement or preposterousness and is first record...
Croesus c. 550 BC was the fabulously wealthy King of Lydia, an ancient kingdom once situated in what is modern Western Turkey. He is mentioned in the...
A third class university degree, from Richard III, a British student witticism dates from the 1980s. According to Eric Partridge, Richard III is earli...
To ride a tiger is to be in a very precarious or dangerous situation and this usage dates from the late 19th century. It derives from an ancient Chine...
Means to domineer, tyrannise or treat someone without any consideration and dates in this sense from the early 18th century. The origin derives from r...
Originally an American expression that means to travel in the front passenger seat of a motor car next to the driver. It derives from the earlier prac...
There are eighteen alternative spellings for riffraff in the OED including rifraf and riff-raff. The word dates back to the early 14th century when th...
see Shotgun approach/strategy
Right as rain follows a whole host of other ‘right as’ expressions, all of which signify degrees of well-being but are all equally baffling. For examp...
Means immediately or spontaneously and is an Americanism dates from the early 20th century. It derives from baseball. See also Off one’s own bat.
see On the money
see Out of the screws
see Left/Right (in politics)
Rigmarole is a lengthy, complicated and often unnecessary procedure or it can mean a long rambling discourse. Its origin goes back to a medieval game...