A-Z Database
Often wrongly attributed to John Wayne in the movie Stagecoach (1939), or Hondo (1953) or to Alan Ladd in the movie Shane (1953). Neither actor these...
see Englishman’s home is his castle.
see By all/any manner of means
A person can be judged by his or her manners. The saying is attributed to William of Wykeham (1324-1404); it is the motto of the school, Winchester Co...
This is a very ancient proverb, sometimes attributed to Homer c.700 BC. Its first appearance in print in English was during the 16th century.
A very ancient proverb known to both the Greeks and the Romans; first appears in English in Proverbs by John Heywood in 1546.
The English word map first cited in English in 1527 derives from the Latin mappa, which means tablecloth or napkin because most of the early maps were...
see Months of the year
see Mad as a March hare
A mare’s nest is a hoax, an illusion or a confused and illogical mess. The expression dates from the early 17th century and is preceded by an earlier...
This often-heard admonishment dates from the 15th century and makes use of one of the many meanings of mark i.e. to take notice of or pay attention.
According to the Bible, this was the mark that God put on Cain to protect him, from Genesis 4:15, “And the Lord set a mark on Cain, lest any finding h...
Any number of prepositions can precede 'the mark' as in 'near' or 'up to' the mark. A mark meaning a fixed or recognised target, goal, or standard, an...
A marked man is one whose actions are carefully watched with suspicion or hostility and dates from 1833, according to the OED.
A marker as in a standard to be attained, dates from the mid 1400s, and the expression 'put or lay down a marker' dates from around the same time.