A-Z Database
see Dukes/duke it out
Be prepared to back up the validity of one’s statements with appropriate action or a money wager to the same effect, is first cited in America from th...
This expression meaning to make an effort derives from Aesop’s Fables c.550 BC in the fable of Hercules and the Wagoner where after his wagon gets stu...
A put-down in its figurative sense means a snub, as in putting someone in their place. The OED gives a date of origin from 1860, but Google N-Grams sh...
Putting on the dog means putting on a flashy, showy display; an American expression dates from the second half of the 19th century. It is thought to d...
A victory gained at such great cost that it is almost a defeat. The expression first appeared in print during the 19th century but may been used befor...