A-Z Database
see Brass tacks
see Hot under the collar
This expression derives from a figurative use of the word froth as in frothing at the mouth meaning to get agitated and angry, dates from the late 17t...
see Tizz/tizzy
In the sense of fitness or training for sports etc dates from the mid-19th century. See also Shape and Lick into shape.
Means to get into trouble or serious difficulty, dates in this figurative sense from the late 19th century and is of American origin. All the evidence...
British slang instructing someone to go away or go to hell dates from c. 1930. It took over from the earlier and now largely defunct get joined, which...
US slang for to have sex, probably deriving from lying down to do so, dates from the 1930s.
Originally an American English expression meaning to tell someone to go away, dates from the 1940s.
To start a relationship either propitiously or adversely, American expressions that date from the early 20th century and which derive from the militar...
see High horse
see Like a house on fire
see On your bike
This expression dating from the 1930s is used innocently by all and sundry and means to annoy or irritate someone. What most people fail to realise is...
At one time or another, we have all burnt our fingers either cooking, tending a fire, or striking matches. It is not a pleasant experience. Hence, whe...