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Frost the cake

see Ice the cake


Male homosexual, American slang dates from the early 20th century.

Fruit machine

British informal for slot machine dates from the 1950s so called because of its fruit symbols. The expression is not known in America where they are s...

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An eccentric, possibly crazy person, extracted from the American expression nutty as a fruitcake, which dates from the early 20th century. It can also...

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The first recorded usage of this word and its etymology are still disputed. The Oxford English Dictionary gives a first citation of 1503. Other source...

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Fuck a duck

Slightly more robust form of love a duck in use since the mid-20th century and usually used to express surprise or disbelief but can also signify dism...

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The OED gives this as British slang of unknown origin for an old-fashioned and ineffectual old person and cites 1904. Other sources, because of earlie...

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Full blast

Full blast is originally an American expression dating from the early 19th century meaning extreme or maximum power, speed or energy, and derives from...

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Full cry

see In full cry

Full Monty

The only thing we are sure about is the meaning, namely, the whole lot or the complete works and, as the 1997 movie taught us, when it comes to stript...

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Full nine yards

see Whole nine yards

Full of beans

Lively and energetic, originally American, but now Standard English, dates from the mid-19th century, arising from the belief that a bean-fed horse wa...

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Full of hot air

In the early 19th century it enjoyed its literal meaning as part of hot air ballooning but by the end of the same century it had become synonymous wit...

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Full of piss and vinegar

Boisterous, replete with youthful energy and enthusiasm, an American expression dates from the 1930s. During WWII, was used typically used to describe...

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Full of wind and piss

see All wind and piss

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